Pete Everitt

Lead pastor

Pete is married to Hannah and joined the The Well in February 2022 taking up the mantle from John and Margaret Brewster. Pete has a heart for discipleship, church transformation both locally and nationally and committed to seeing the gifts of the Spirit being part of the everyday experience of following Jesus.

His ministry centres around the freedom, joy and grace of a personal relationship with Jesus and the call to discipleship, to come as we are but not to stay the same. 

Pete also serves on the leadership team of the Fresh Streams Leadership Network and is involved regionally and nationally with in Baptists Together.  



Richard is Married to Yvonne and serves as our Community Pastor of the Church and is responsible for all Pastoral matters including infant Dedications, Weddings and Funerals. Richard has a heart for discipleship and teaching the bible. He is a deep thinker with a passion for the move of the Spirit.  Within the community he is a member of the Bassetlaw Financial Inclusion Forum and is presently Chairman of Churches Together in Retford.

the vision team

  • List Item

    The Vision Team, along side the church Pastors, spiritually guide and lead the church.  This team has overall responsibility for leading the church and turning vision into reality.


    Yvonne serves as a member of the vision team and as church secretary on the church trustee board. Yvonne is married to Richard and they have three grown up children and Three grand children. 

  • Fiona gray

    Along with her husband Adrian, Fiona oversees our Connect Groups. She is passionate about evangelism and her heart is to see those on the margins of society brought into the Kingdom of God. She loves praying with people and seeing Father God do a transforming work in their lives.

  • Rebekah Marshall

  • Ana Roberts

    Ana teaches Spanish and before moving over to the UK was a church pastor in Spain. She loves to intercede for others and her prayers come from the heart of a revivalist. She is passionately in love with God and has a great servant heart.

  • Emeka Udeze

    Emeka is married to Amanda and has 3 daughters, He serves in our worship ministry expressing his passion for worship through the keyboard, 

  • Lynn Clapperton

    Lynn oversees and leads our worship ministry, she has a deep passion to lead people in to the presence of God using her prophetic talent on the Violin.


  • Amy Mccallum

    Next Generation  Lead

    Amy  head up all things to do with children & youth, she has a passion to see the next generation  discover who they are  and the purpose and plans  that God has for them.  

  • Thomas Fritchley

    CHRISTIANs  against poverty debt coach

    Thomas works in our CAP centre as one of our debt coaches,  Thomas has a  great passion to come alongside those in need a share the heart of the gospel.   

  • Carol  Freeman

    office Manager

    Carol oversee the church office, Carol deals with booking, hirings, running of the the centre and is one of the many friendly voices you will hear if you call the office. 

  • Buildings Caretaker

    Postion Vacant



    Tara heads up the catering team at The Well and impresses all with her fabulous food.
    Together with her assistant Sarah and some amazing volunteers, she provides a top class,
    friendly service as well as delicious meals. Go along to 'Lunch on Mondays & Wednesdays' and see 
    what tasty treats they have in store!



    Sarah is our amazing kitchen assistant who always has a big smile and a kind word. She helps

    the catering crew prepare and serve food.

The Well RBC Trustees

Responsible for the Legal, FINANCIAL and operational life of the church

Adrian Gray: Chair of Trustees

Yvonne Warren: Secretary

Adam Clapperton

Frank Woolrich

Amanda Udeze

Pete Everitt: Safeguarding

Ministry PartnerShips

We know we can't do this alone. We are blessed to be partnered with the below ministries and organisations that support and enable us to help others. We love being part of a wider family.

  • Fresh Streams leadership Network

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  • Baptists together

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  • Further Faster network

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  • Ground Level network

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  • Churches together

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  • Evangelical Alliance

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  • Harvest Alliance

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Mission Links


    Christine is our missionary. She works in India improving the quality of care and education for children with special educational needs. Her aim is to resource and equip those involved in the education and care of children with Special Educational Needs.


    Each year we support Samaritan's Purse's 'Operation Christmas Child' appeal by promoting, filling, collecting shoeboxes. You can send a smile too! Fill a child's life with joy this Christmas. Wrap, pack and send your own gift-filled shoebox to a child in need with Operation Christmas Child. Get started now.


    BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 35 countries on four continents. BMS personnel are mainly involved in church planting, development, disaster relief, education, health, media and advocacy.


    After the 2015 earthquake in Nepal the Church sent financial aid to Basbari Baptist Church in Kathmandu to help relieve suffering and facilitate fresh water supplies to two villages in the mountains. In 2017 John and Richard went over to see the work that had been done and also minister in the Baptist Church and the surrounding fellowships. We continue to support this work through our 'Brick in the Wall' project.