
7 Ways to Partner

doing life together as we follow Jesus

As a church we believe the example of Jesus shows us, we live out our Spiritual walk in community. Those that put their faith and trust in Jesus become part of the family of God called the church. We believe that we grow spiritually when we walk together as family. 

In Philippians 1:4-6 the apostle Paul write to the church:

 'In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy  because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,  being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.'

Here we see that partnering together helps us in the journey towards becoming more Christlike and more fully ourselves. Journeying together looks like being part of the church family we belong to at this time in this place. 

Psalm 92:12-14 says:

'The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.'

We believe when we intentionally plant and commit ourselves in to a local church family we spiritually grow and see our lives look more like Jesus. 

Partnering is our way of expressing what that can look like. 

Below are the 7 ways we encourage those who wish to plant themselves in the family of The Well to engage in. 

If you want to be a partner with us in the life and mission of this Church then we ask in the last 5 weeks have you been able to engage in at least 5 of these Intentional ways of doing life together as we follow Jesus.

 (Those in Leadership roles we expect to engage in all 7 ways)

Teaching series Miracle Grow unpacks our churches ideas around partnership

Teaching Playlist

Here are our 7 ways to Partner


Gathering together to worship Jesus

Participating in the gathered worship of Jesus at  The Well. Actively engaging in Worship, Prayer, Teaching and Communion

We practice worship together to cultivate hearts of faith, honour, unity and worship.

Isaiah 40:31, 1 Corinthians 14:26

Exercise Giftings

Sharing my time and Talents with the community

Using the gifts and skills God has given each of us to serve and build up the church and community

The Well being a place where I get use the gifts and skills I know I have and have an opportunity to develop new ones.

We practice sharing and using our gifts to cultivate hearts of service, generosity and opened hardness.

Romans 12:4-8  

Life in community

Sharing life with others

Sharing life with others beyond worship gatherings

knowing others and being known, 

growing in love, (Connect groups, On team, Staff, Prayer triplets, One on one) 

Cultivating hearts of Love, forgiveness, encouragement, accountability and vulnerability. 

Gal 5:13/Rom 15:14/Heb 10:25/Col 3:13/Rom 12:10

Living out Jesus

Living in a way that  reflects Jesus in words & Actions

Evangelistic, Missional lives that share Jesus and His Kingdom. we can do this by living out the 6Ms  

(Models godly character, Makes good work, Ministers grace and love, Moulds culture, Mouthpiece for truth and justice, Messenger of the gospel) 

Cultivates hearts of trust, courage, boldness, hope, justice

Phil 2:15-16/Col 3:15-17

Invest Generously

Financially sowing into the church with Tithes and Offerings 

Aligning our heart and our treasure putting our love for God before our love for money. 

Tithes- a commitment to regularly give a percentage of what you first have. 

Offerings a gift given after tithes for a particular purpose or for thanks giving . 

Cultivates hearts of generosity, abundance, grace and trust. 2 Cor 9:6-7/Matt 23:23/Malachi 3:7-11

Engage in Growth

Be Intentional in our spiritual formation

Committed to personal spiritual growth, journeying towards greater freedom and maturity (Discipleship)

Asking the questions

What is God saying to me? & What am I going to do about it?

(do you have a testimony of a way God has spoken to you in the past 5 weeks)

Cultivating hearts of teachability, wisdom, maturity, freedom.

Phil 1:6/ Phil 2:12-13/1 Tim 4:7-8

Seeking God's heart

Seeking God’s blessing, vision and mission for yourself, the church, and the community

Praying for the life of the church and participating in seeking God’s vision for the church  (hearing prophetic voices of the church to inform, guide and encourage the whole church. committed to pray for the life of church, the leaders, ministries, people and wider community.

Cultivates hearts of love, honour, gratitude, hope, power, joy and peace. Eph 1:16-19/Jam 5:16/2 Chro 7:14


Partnering at the well

The first letter of each of our ways to partner spells the word WELLIES,  we want to walk together wearing the right footwear, with the  right footwear you feel you can tackle anything, the bible says

…put shoes on your feet so that you are ready to spread the good news of peace. 

  Eph 6:15

The early baptists  made a a promise to those they walked with as on spiritual journey. 

"To walk together in ways know and yet to be made known" 

Partnering is intentionally walking together as family in the highs and lows.

We are sharing in our first partnership Sunday 23rd June, if you would like to covenant with us at this time and become a covenant partner please click the link and fill out and sign the form

Partnership Form